Polls - Easily create quick polls to collect and distribute data from site participants.
Roster - View a list of course or project participants along with their pictures and profiles.
Section Info - Manage multiple sections and assign teaching assistants to specific sections within a course.
Site Info - View and update information about the site including site settings, tools, membership, groups, content imports, and more.
Statistics - Use summary and custom reports to display site statistics regarding user visits, tool use, and course activity.
User Tools
Account - View and update user account details.
Help - Access context-sensitive help articles throughout the system.
Membership - View and search for your enrolled sites or self-enroll in a joinable site.
New Account - Create a new user account in the system.
Preferences - Set your individual preferences for notifications, time zone, language, active sites, and rich text editor mode.
Profile - Create a personal profile and connect with other users in the system.
Reset Password - Reset your SLATE password using the self-service reset option.
Worksite Setup - View information about your sites, and (for users with appropriate permissions) create new sites and make changes to site settings.
System Administrator Tools
Admin Site Perms - Quickly and easily add or remove permissions across all sites for specified roles.
Aliases - View, create, and edit alias strings for target items such as site email list addresses, friendly site urls, etc.
Become User - Log in as another user to perform troubleshooting or diagnose issues without needing to know their password.
Delegated Access - Distribute admin functions or course access for specific users by departments or organizational units.
Email Templates - Create customized email notifications for users in your local SLATE instance to replace default system messages.
External Tools - Configure LTI Apps at the system level for use in all sites, or just specific courses as needed.
Job Scheduler - Create simple or complex schedules for executing Quartz jobs, from the smallest stand-alone application, to the largest e-commerce system.
Memory - View system cache sizes in order to better optimize performance.
Message Bundle Manager - Locate and modify system message properties, which define the user interface text for SLATE components in all supported languages.
MOTD/Announcements - Post system-wide announcements using the “Message of the Day” Announcement tool.
Online - View information on currently running servers and sessions, as well as user IP address and browser information.
PA System - Deliver customizable system-wide or targeted alerts to SLATE users as either popup alerts or text banners, color-coded by alert priority.
Realms - View and customize roles and permissions for sites and site templates.
Site Archive - Back up sites or import existing backups individually or in bulk.
Sites - Create, modify, delete, and search for course, project, and user sites.
Sitestats Admin - Display server-wide reports and to save custom reports which are available for instructors within all sites in the Statistics tool.
Tags Service - Create and maintain tag collections either manually or by importing collections. Tags can be used in question pools and other areas of SLATE for search purposes.
User Membership - Locate, view, and modify site and group membership information for SLATE users in the system.
Users - Create, search, view, and update SLATE user account information.